


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300













Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control

Draws in cool air, exhausts hot air, or exchanges air with outside

Electronic control with LCD screen and remote control; three speeds

Programmable Thermostat turns fan off/on to maintain selected comfort level

Fits double-hung, vertical slider, and casement windows 24 to 37 inches wide

Extenders permit custom fit; 13 inches high overall, with 8-1/2-inch fans

The Bionaire? Remote Control Twin Window Fan disperses invigorating, revitalizing coolness for maximum comfort and freshness. Lifeless air dissipates to breaths of nourishing air and the renewing effects of cooler air become more present in your surroundings. Electronically reversible blades allow for air intake, exhaust or air exchange to maximize cooling efficiencies. The three speed settings allow you to control the amount of airflow for optimal cooling comfort. Remote control operation provides the ultimate in convenience. The programmable digital thermostat provides easy to read visual indicators to better monitor your every cooling need. This window fan is designed to fit most double hung and slider windows. With Bionaire? brand technology, you can live in harmony with nature for a serene home environment.

Product Description

Size: 1 Pack

Jarden Window Fan BW2300 1040

Product Information

Size:1 Pack

Product Dimensions 25.5 x 14.1 x 6 inches

Item Weight 8.4 pounds

Shipping Weight 8.3 pounds


Item model number BW2300

From the Manufacturer

fan, window fan, bionaire, fans,

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Pure Indoor Living.

A pioneer in its field, the Bionaire brand believes that if there's a better way out there, we will be the first to find it by imaginatively blending technology and nature, art and science. The Bionaire brand relentlessly pursues pure perfection for all those who demand pure quality, pure design and pure simplicity in their home environment in the ultimate quest for pure indoor living.

Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan

with Remote Control

With a remote control for convenient adjustment, this double window fan draws in fresh, cool air from the outside or exhausts stale, hot air from inside. It can also do both simultaneously, because each of the two fans can be set independently to draw in or exhaust out, allowing the unit to exchange inside and outside air. Operable either manually or automatically, with its programmable thermostat turning the fans off and on to maintain a selected temperature--the unit has three speeds, electronic controls, and an LCD screen showing the selected temperature and the room temperature. The twin fan is designed to fit double-hung, vertical-slider, and casement windows. Overall, the unit is 13 inches high, arrives fully assembled, and carries a five-year warranty against defects.

Independently Controlled 8.5” Blades

Three Speed Settings

Programmable Thermostat

Electrically Reversible Airflow

Remote Control

5-year Warranty Against Defects

fan, window fan, bionaire, fans, programmable

fan, window fan, bionaire, fans, water resistant

fan, window fan, bionaire, fans, remote

批踢踢Programmable Digital LED Thermostat

Set your desired temperature level to the degree from 60-80 degrees and the fan will automatically turn off and on in response to the ambient room temperature. Also visible in the dark for nighttime use.

Water Resistant Motors

Water resistant motors are UL approved and safe to use when raining.

Remote Control

Remote control operation provides the ultimate in convenience, altering speed, manual/automatic operation, airflow direction, and temperature from up to 15 feet (4.5 meters) away. (2 AAA Batteries 1.5 volt required - not included).

3 Speed Settings

Use of three speed settings - high, medium, and low speed for controlled airflow and optimal cooling and comfort.

Built-in Adjustable Extender

Screen expands to fit larger windows from 24 to 37 inches wide and slider safe extender panels offer rigid support for vertical orientation.







[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversi有限 ble Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300




上周專欄化身立院小辣椒,寫了嗆爆酸民的批判文章《時尚小男孩/酸民不懂的時尚?當珍珠奶茶走上時裝伸展台》,怕從此被定型成恰查某,所以本周寫一些比較peaceful的主題,來寫寫我自己喜歡的時尚icon吧!蒂妲史雲頓(Tilda Swinton)是我很喜歡的中性時尚icon,她也一直是我心中的時尚資優生。在紅毯上她不走一般女星愛穿的平口、單肩等無聊漂亮的高級訂製禮服路線、也不會性感大露奶或故意伸一隻腿給媒體拍搶鏡頭(對,沒錯就是在說就是妳,安潔莉娜裘莉。)


相反的,Tilda Swinton喜歡能展現獨特氣質的特殊設計服裝,像用西裝搭配貼身長裙、襯衫褲裙裝、垂墬式長裙洋裝等,這些造型搭配上一頭讓人無法直視的白金色短髮,她剛毅的臉部線條有一股屬於貴族特有的驕傲與自信,所謂中性的特質在她的身上發揮得淋漓盡致,而且值得大吃一驚的是,1960年出生的她,其實她已經五十七歲了,卻還是獨具時尚風範。除了年齡令人吃驚之外,她179的名模身高也是高的不要不要的,最有趣的是這張與喬治克隆尼的經典合照,她把喬治克隆尼夾在腋下,簡直是小孩與大人的最萌身高差了。(拍腿大笑)

Tilda Swinton與喬治克隆尼的經典合照。(圖/翻攝自justjared.com)

其實我不只是喜歡Tilda Swinton獨特的氣質與格調,更喜歡她那種與年齡無關、超脫性別的美,那樣深深的吸引人,也正好符合我一直以來的想法:就是越接近美的極限,就越會跳脫兩性的限制。她穿過這麼多設計師品牌,我覺得Haider Ackermann最對她的tone調,每次她穿上Haider Ackermann走紅毯都仙氣逼人。



如同Tilda Swinton在《康斯坦汀:驅魔神探》裡飾演的、亦正亦邪的天使長加百列(Gabriel),天使沒有性別之分,是雌雄同體的非男亦非女,這樣帶著中性色彩的角色,Tilda Swinton超脫性別的美,讓天使扮相的衣著更是衝擊觀眾對於純潔與美的慾望,背插雙翼也好、現身原形時白布纏腳的造型都有型的一如往常、彷彿它天生就該衣著如此。

Tilda Swinton與眼鏡品牌合作。(圖/翻攝自Gentle monster官網)

如同天使雌雄體,越接近美的極限、越是跳脫兩性的限制。當然時尚圈有很多主流的、如紐約第一名媛Olivia Palermo這種多金漂亮有型的fashion icon,但就像迪士尼和好萊塢大片海報攻佔了每個西化過後的工商業城市大看板,我們也必須知道世界上不只有迪士尼、好萊塢這一類商業電影;還有更多的電影是屬於非主流的、因為少眾而可貴的。

時尚圈裡還有很多像Tilda Swinton這樣中性的fashion icon。(圖/翻攝自www.celebitchy.com

時尚圈裡還有很多像Tilda Swinton這樣中性的、穿越性別楚河的fashion icon,如:英國IT名模Agyness 丹麥名模Freja Beha ErichsenDeyn、澳洲變性超模Andreja Pejic...等,這些中性時尚的崛起並不代表道德的違駁、而是屬於更寬廣接納各種不同型態的旖旎、更公平且不因偏見而否定任何一種形勢的美。

▲Tilda Swinton與眼鏡品牌合作。(圖/翻攝自Gentle monster官網)






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[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Biona達人 ire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300

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[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300


[105美國直購] 扇窗用遙控器 Bionaire Twin Reversible Airflow Window Fan with Remote Control BW2300



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